Creating and Amending Pages
There are three types of pages: News Items, Newsletters, and Information Pages. To access this function, clickon the Administration Menu. Under "Content" you will find two groupsof links: "Information Pages" and "News and Events".


Most of the content of the website is created as Information Pages. When youclick on the link it opens up two fields "Title" and "Content". The title willautomatically be created in a header format, the Content will be normal text.You can enhance the text with these codes < b >bold< /b >, < i >italic< /i >.You can start on a new line by inserting the code for a break < br > or aparagraph < p >, which leaves a gap between the lines - but leave out thespaces - they are used to make the text visible on this page !

Creating the Page: It's a good idea to draft your initial text on aword document or email message before creating the Information Page because it only gives you a small window to see what you are doing. Onceyou have created your initial text, you will then need to copy it into theInformation Page. To copy your text you need to HIGHLIGHT it by putting your cursor at the top of the text: click and drag down - it will showblue. Then you need to COPY it so that it is on the "pasteboard", ie thememory of the computer. You can use a drop-down menu, but it is muchquicker to use the keyboard. To copy the highlighted text, on a PC youclick with the little finger of your left hand on the CONTROL key and thenwith your middle finger click on the "C" key (C for Copy). Thus you havecaptured the text. You then go to the system open up the new informationPage as alredy described, put your cursor in the text box, and PASTE thetext. Again you can use the drop-down menu, but better still use the keyboard.Again you put your little finger on the Control key, then you put yourfore-finger on the "V" key (V for paste - don't know why, but it works !).On an apple-mac use the apple key - and the thumb. To delete the text fromthe previous place use Control X, and to substitute new text for old,highlight the old text in the new place, and drop the next on to it (control V).Make sure you click on SUBMIT to save the page.

Formatting the Page: OK so now the title and text are in the box, but when you look at it, all the text runs on as one block. But don't panic- luckily the gaps are still visible when you go back into edit by clickingon the tiny Edit link.So what you need to do is to put in formatting code, usually you just need paragraph breaks. Go back into Edit mode, do the first < p > manually - itsjust three characters, no spaces, then copy the code by highlighting and control-C as before, then go down the document and where you see the paragraph breaks, do control-V, to insertthe code. Next time you save it, the paragraphs will show. If you want to add emboldenings and italics, putthe bits of code before and after the text you want to enhance, ie < b >bold< /b >, < i >italic< /i >.

Linking your Page from a Menu: Your next task is to link the page from the menu where you want it to show.Best thing to do is to copy the previous menu item - usually you build themupwards so the latest is on top - just copy the whole line - and amend it tothe next page number as they are created in sequence. However, if you need to find a page, on the Admin menu go to "See Info Page URLS" and they are all listed there. You can change the titles when you amend them, so if you don't want a page any more, you can just re-use it.If you want to putexternal links into a whole series of websites it's worth doing them in a production line mode, ie: go all the way down inserting < a href=http:// in front of each www then go all the way up inserting >...< /a > after the title,then go all the way down copying the title over the dots (NB put text in withoutthe spaces which have had to be inserted here to allow the code to be visible).

Fixing the level of access of your Page: These pages can be made visible at public (guest), member, and committeelevels by means of the menu item "Edit Info Page Permissions". Minutes areusually made visible only to members. Documents being jointly drafted are made accessible only to the committee.


These are visible in the News& Events section, and each one of them comes out like a separate paragraphon that page. The trick with News Items is NOT to put too many paragraphsin each one, but to make them short, and put the text into just one (or two) paragraphs, so that when you look at the whole page it looks tidy. As this is your "announce" page, it's worth formatting them (as before) - you can keep amending until you are happy. The key feature of these pages is you don'tdelete them, you re-use them. You can make them disappear from view the day after the event by selecting that date - but DO IT IN ADVANCE. If you put anearlier date retrospectively it will delete the message altogether. You can change their order by selecting the page you want them to follow. This can betricky but it's worth persevering, to make sure some boring admin messageis at the bottom at the next event you want to highlight shows at the top.To avoid making the notices on the News & Events page too long, you can linkto Information Pages, for example venue details and travel instructions, in just the same way as on the menus already set up.


Newsletters - and other key documents - may be created as a word document or PDF in the normal way, then uploaded to the website via Upload a Newsletter in the same section of the Admin menu - you will need to know where the document is on your computer to select it. Newsletters can have pictures etc, and are visible to the general public. They can be uploaded at committee level, and announced to the members by the Co-ordinator, who composes a message to send outincluding a link to the actual document so it can be downloaded. Memberswho want messages sending out to members can request that they be included in these occasional mail-outs. This is a way of filtering messages and may be an improvement on a discussion list that is sending out messages too frequently for the comfort levels of many members.